Who are we?

We're a small team that has been involved in Crypto since 2015. Inspired by punk6529's call to "Seize the Memes of Production" we will leverage our shared knowledge and development experience to do just that

What are we doing?

We're creating 6969 (nice) public domain PFPs based on frogs, cats, and dogs that will act as a meme primitive for our impending cultural revolution

Wen mint Ser?!?

our approximate launch date is 10/15/2021 but it's subject to change based on smart contract development. We don't care for the hype cycle faux community building bullshit so if you're reading this you should consider yourself early, feels good doesn't it anon?

How Much?

In order to Seize the Memes each PFP will be .0420 Eth (prounounced like "t-eeth") but quite frankly if you had to ask you're probably NGMI so do long term holders a favor and don't mint


First off, you're buying a jpeg not stock in a fortune 500 co. Now that that's out of the way we do in fact plan to use part of the funds to support emerging artists, fund teams that will utilize the Memes to build fun shit, and we'll probably buy an ACK 1/1 for the Luls. A % of the royalties that's yet to to be determined will go to some sort of shit punk6529 is involved in because he shouldn't be expected to shape the future on his own. (we're not affiliated with punk6529 btw, let's nip that in the bud before it even begins). If you dislike any of this step away from the mint button and close the f'ing window. The contract atm isn't (CC0 1.0) but that's our first milestone. Our team waives all copyrights but we want it to be written in the code.